Friday, 4 April 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our genre is action/superhero

From looking at the typical audiences of action and superhero, our primary audience is teenage boys. we have decided this because we have found out that Action and Superhero films are mainly watched by teenage boys. Wr have also decided to have our secondary audience as males aged 20+ we have decided this as we found that males this age still enjoy action films . we also have added females into secondary audiences as female are still interested in this genre just not as much as males are.

We decided to do some Audience Research, we chose to compose a questionnaire to ask our primary audience of teenage boys. from conducting the questionnaire we found that there preferred genre  was action or comedy.

Even though our film is aimed at teenage boys and males females my still be interested, we feel that overall our film will have a board audience unlike some other action films which are completely aimed at males.

We feel that our audience will be international so would be distributed worldwide which will then make the range of viewers massive and diverse. 

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Class Feedback

once we had a rough cut of our opening sequence as a class we all watched each others and gave feedback for what we thought of it. We found that our opening sequence had things that could be improved to make better for example, in some shots the diegetic sound is interrupted by laughing and not all shots flowed together right. We fixed this by filming pick ups. Another problem with our opening sequence was that the running scene wasn't believable, it looked as if the main character was running with the bullies rather than being chased, to fix this we also needed to re film to make it believable.  i feel that doing this and giving each other feedback was really needed and helpful as we where able to see and notice things we might  not have noticed just ourselves. 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Audience Research

We briefed our primary audience of teenage boys about our ideas for our film. Overall they really liked our idea, however they thought that the idea was quite unrealistic and unsure if it would actually be believable. We also found out that our target audience preference of film genre is mostly comedy and action, we were satisfied by that result as our film is an action film. Most of our audience said that they would go to watch our film in the cinema This audience research has been very helpful for us as it has made us understand our target audience more. Our secondary target audience is women aged 14- 30.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Genre Research

Genre Research- Action and Superhero Films

Main Hero

  • Sometimes mythical creatures
  • Big sense of morality and courage
  • Do what is good and right 
  • Sacrifice themselves for humanity 
  • Often behind disguises, are shy and geeky

  • The audience love to hate and hate to love 
  • Selfish and want power 
  • Either the first scene consists of the Villain or the Villain comes later in the film this depends on how familar the audience are with the film and whether it is a sequel
Lover Of Hero

  • Helpless and naive
  • Often introduced later in the film

Typical scenes of genre-

  • Superhero films would either start with the bad guy or start with showing us how the superhero got his powers.
  • Action films always include a chase scene

Typical Iconography- 

  • Weapons
  • Superhero suits

Typical Themes-

  • Good vs Evil 
  • Immorality 
  • Morality 
  • Superhuman 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Preliminary Sequence

I thought that the preliminary sequence was overall quite successful, however I do believe that there was room for improvement in many different aspects of it. Firstly the match on action, at one point character A (in the red jumper) was on one side of the stairs and then jumped to the other, this could have been improved by doing a few pickups. Another thing that I believe stopped it from being even better was the range of shots that we used, I thought that we could have gotten much more shots to really signify the characters authority in the sequence. Another thing would be to improve the shot reverse shot, once we had made the sequence we realised when filming the conversation between character A and B it could have been improved by filming character B's parts from characters A's other shoulder. Also the camera work in some shots you can hear the clicks to the tripod being moved as the camera is panning on the main character.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

credit title sequence research

In this opening sequence the credits are randomly placed on the framing. The colour is white this makes the names stand out against the black. The font is written in capital letters to make it readable to the audience and accessible to read while watching the different shots.  The frames and change of shots are fast and sharp, it shows the genre idea of action. It keeps the audience's attention. the title is bold and in capital letters to give audience title knowledge.

Order of credits:

  1. Production company
  2. Director
  3. Actors
  4. Further people who help with production
  5. Castings
  6. Costume Designer
  7. Co producers
  8. Sound design
  9. Music
  10. Editors
  11. Production Designer
  12. Director of photography
  13. Executive producers
  14. Producers
  15. Book it is based on (book credits)
  16. Screenplay
  17. Director

order of credits in film industry

1. Distribution Company
2. Name of production company

3. Director
4. Producer
5. List of actors
6. Movie title 
7. Editor
8. Costume designer